What is a Zoning System and How Can You Benefit from It?

The old saying, “one size fits all”, was never right and shouldn’t apply to every member of the family. No two people are alike or have the same preferences or comfort levels. What is just right for one may be too warm or not warm enough for another, which is why zoning makes perfect sense when it comes to regulating the temperature inside your home.

What it is

A zoning system is a way to personalize the comfort settings for different rooms. For example, the baby’s nursery may need to be a few degrees warmer than the living room or other rooms in the home. With central air conditioning, the thermostat regulates the temperature for the whole house and keeps it at one set temperature. While this is great for areas that need heat or cooling like living areas, it also means that you are conditioning unused space as well.

How Does it Work?

A zoning system is basically a set of dampers that fit inside of already existing ducts and wiring for multiple thermostats. This system allows you to pick and choose which rooms to heat and what temperature to set them at. Each zone has its own thermostat to control the temperature in that area. Zoning costs less because you only heat rooms that need it when they are occupied. Overall, a zoning system uses less energy and saves money by only heating rooms that are occupied and when it is needed.

The Benefits

  • Uses less energy than operating a regular thermostat
  • Personalized heat settings for different rooms
  • Lower energy bills from reduced energy consumption for unoccupied rooms

Zoning can be used for heating or cooling and is a great way to lower energy usage without sacrificing personal comfort. This is also a good opportunity to teach children about conserving energy with a visual example that they can understand.

When deciding if a zoning system is right for you, you will need to determine which rooms are used more often and at what time of the day to regulate heating and cooling. Contact your local AC repair contractor in Austin to discuss the benefits of a zoning system. ABA Heating and Cooling are Austin HVAC contractors and have been serving the community for over 30 years, call us for all your heating and cooling needs.