Residential Heating Repair: Know the Warning Signs

As you have likely noticed from the falling temperatures and shortened days, winter is now upon us. This means that it is more important than ever that your home’s furnace is in proper working condition so that you and your family can stay warm throughout winter. Yet, how will you know if your furnace is in need of repairs this winter? Here are a few of the signs you can lookout for indicating that you may be in need of residential heating repair.

Inconsistent Heat

One sign that indicates that you should consider having your heater serviced is if your furnace appears to be heating your home inconsistently, leaving some rooms cold and other rooms hot. This could indicate several problems with your HVAC system including problems with your ducting, or problems with your heater itself.

You Can’t Keep Warm

A clearer sign that your furnace needs repair is if you can’t keep warm anywhere in your home. This indicates that something is seriously wrong with your heater that needs to be addressed. Some homeowners would be tempted to ignore this problem and try turning their heater up higher and higher, however, leaving this problem with your heater unchecked could lead to further problems, and could cause your furnace to stop working altogether.

You Can’t Remember When You Last Had it Serviced

You may also want to consider having your furnace serviced this winter if you cannot remember the last time you had your furnace serviced professionally. Having your furnace serviced every few years is recommended in order to keep it functioning properly. This will also help you to find and fix problems with your furnace as soon as possible. Contact us to find out about more of the ways in which you can tell if your furnace is in need of repairs.