furnace repair tech

Surprising as it may seem, winter is on our doorsteps. This means that it is time to consider the condition of your furnace, and whether or not it will make it through the coming cold months. It is important to ensure you have a properly functioning furnace so that you and your family are kept comfortable throughout winter. It is then vital that you know the signs indicating that you may need furnace installation so that you can have your furnace replaced before the cold weather hits. Here are a few indicators that your furnace may need replacement.

The Age of Your Furnace

One of the easiest ways to tell that your furnace is in need of replacement is if it is more than 15 years old. Furnaces are generally made to last 15 years, and if your furnace is this old, or older, then you will want to consider having it replaced in the near future before it dies. Even if your furnace seems to be working fine, if it is this old, then it is likely that it will soon fail. It would be best to have it replaced now at your convenience rather than wait for it to suddenly stop working on you.

Not Keeping You Comfortable

Your furnace likely needs to be replaced if it is no longer keeping you and your family warm. No matter its age, if you can’t seem to get warm even when your heater is running, then it is likely that your furnace is worn out and will need replacing before winter hits.

Needs Frequent Repairs

If your furnace has required frequent repairs in recent years, then you should consider having it replaced. It is likely that your furnace is dying, and will continue to require costly repairs. Replacing your furnace would then be the more cost-effective option in the long run.

Knowing when your furnace needs replacing will help to ensure your family’s comfort this winter. Contact us to learn more about how you can tell if your furnace needs replacing this fall.