How New HVAC Installation Can Improve Your Home’s Energy-Efficiency, and Save You Money

Homeowners are often frustrated by the rising cost of utilities, which is why it is important to make sure that your HVAC system is as energy-efficient as possible. However, if your heating and air conditioning system is more than ten to fifteen years old, then it is likely past its peak efficiency, and it would be in your best interest to replace the entire system, including your thermostat, in the near future; here’s why.

Your HVAC System is Losing Energy-Efficiency

While it may seem like your 10-15 year old HVAC system was just installed yesterday, you may be surprised by how inefficient it already is. Over time, the mechanisms in your heater and air conditioner begin to wear out, and it can become harder and harder for your system to maintain the temperature within your home. To compensate, your HVAC system will have to run more frequently to keep you and your family comfortable. However, your system running more frequently can quickly cause a spike in your utility bills.

There is Newer Technology Out There

Not only will your HVAC system lose energy-efficiency as it ages, but advancements in technology will also begin to make your system seem inefficient by comparison. Newer HVAC systems are designed specifically to keep your family comfortable, while simultaneously saving you money. These systems are also more programmable than ever, allowing you to program ahead of time when your system comes on and off. Some thermostats can even be controlled from your phone. These added features can go a long way in saving you money on your utility bills by giving you better control over when your HVAC system runs.

Replacing an aging HVAC system before it fails can go a long way in making your home more energy-efficient. Contact us to learn more about how you will know when it is time to replace your HVAC system, and the benefits that doing so can provide you and your family with.