Advantages of Installing Ductless Cooling and Heating Systems

If you are thinking about replacing your air conditioning or heating system, consider installing a ductless one. Ductless systems don’t use ductwork and are easier to install, save energy, are more flexible, and are more fashionable.

They come in two varieties: Mini-split systems, where one indoor unit is connected to a single outdoor condensing unit, and multi-split systems, where several indoor units are connected to a single condensing unit (unlike traditional systems, where several outdoor units are needed).

Having a mini-split system means that you can control the temperature of each room or zone independently. Instead of heating up your whole floor, you can heat up or cool off only the room you are using. This will cut down your energy costs significantly.

And did you know that more than 30 percent of your energy usage can be wasted on air escaping the ductwork in places you don’t frequent, such as the attic? With ductless systems, you don’t have that problem.

Because these systems can be hung high up on the wall or ceiling, they allow you to design a house in a more fashionable manner. They can easily be controlled by a wireless control pad.

Ductless systems are great if you are building an additional room or office. Heating and cooling units can be installed without messing with your original system.

Ductless systems also give you flexibility. The refrigerant line that connects the indoor and outdoor units can be as long as 50 feet or as short as a few inches.

For more information, just contact us.