5 Tips for Maintaining Your Furnace this Winter

Winter is almost here, so what kind of shape is your furnace in? ABA is a furnace repair contractor in Austin, and we get a lot of phone calls from concerned Austin area homeowners who want to know what they can be doing to keep their home’s furnace in good shape. Regardless of whether you have a gas or electric heater, you need to be doing what you can to keep this heater system in good shape.

5 tips for maintaining your furnace this winter:

  1. Check to be sure that the pilot light is burning. There are some units that when the light goes out, they have to be re-lit by hand.
  2. Check the blower and carefully vacuum out any built-up dust or debris in or around the heater.
  3. Check the top and bottom of the unit for any signs of corrosion, or rust.
  4. Check the flue for any gaps or dents that could prevent it from ventilating properly.
  5. Check to make sure that furniture, boxes, curtains, rugs, etc. are far enough away from the unit so that they don’t inhibit air flow or potentially cause a fire.

If you notice a gas smell in your home, CONTACT ABA IMMEDIATELY. This is incredibly dangerous and could lead to an explosion or even death! Trying to repair your furnace yourself can be dangerous, as most systems have high voltage, or main gas systems leading into the unit. By thinking you could save some money on your repair by doing it yourself, you could potentially do more harm than good to either yourself, or your home.

Call 512-687-1463 to schedule an appointment with an ABA furnace repair technician today. We offer fast appointment times, and professional service. To talk with a heater repair or replacement professional today, call now.

Wanting to find out more about how you can take care of your furnace this season? Learn more by visiting our website about air conditioning and furnace repair in Austin, TX.