2 Factors To Think About Before Installing A New Furnace

Replacing an old or outdated furnace is a great way to boost the energy efficiency of your home. Yet to get the most from your furnace replacement, you will need to know a bit more about what to look for when shopping. This article will help to prepare you for your furnace investment by discussing two important factors to consider.

Load Capacity

Load capacity, which is often referred to simply as HVAC load, designates the quantity of energy it will take to keep your home at a certain temperature. Thus HVAC load differs from house to house. When determining load capacity, numerous different factors must be taken into consideration. These include:

  • total square footage
  • age of the house
  • R-value of insulation
  • total length of the duct system

Never assume that the load capacity of your old furnace is an adequate gauge for your new one. That’s because your old furnace may have been incorrectly sized in the first place.

Fuel Type

As you likely already realize, there are three main furnace fuel sources: heating oil, natural gas, and electricity. Because energy costs are constantly fluctuating, there is no clear answer as to which of these furnace types will yield the lowest monthly energy bill. Yet gas furnaces are generally considered the best long term investment. Because a majority of homeowners utilize gas furnaces, there is considerably more competition between natural gas providers, meaning you are more likely to keep your heating expenses at a minimum.

For more information about making sure that you select the best furnace to meet your needs, feel free to contact the experts at ABA Heating and Cooling.